Microsoft Power BI

Providing clarity at the most opportune time

Microsoft Power Bi South Africa

Power BI

Optimise your business intelligence with trusted Microsoft technologies. Power BI is a unified platform that is scalable and allows you to delve deeper into the understanding of your data.

The wonders of Microsoft Power BI

The popularity of Microsoft Power BI continues to increase in organisations. Due to its benefits, it is an easy choice for those searching for a data visualisation tool. These benefits include managing, creating, customising, and analysing data reports. B2IT provides Microsoft Power BI solutions and ensures that your data experience is out of this world.

Support your decision-making with Data

Explore and understand your data on a whole new level through the data visualisation experience that Power BI offers and feel confident in the business decisions you make.

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A Mind Blasting Data Experience

With Power BI one can connect to, model, and visualise your data effortlessly. Produce impressive reports and customise your KPI’s to reflect your brand accurately all while backing it up with AI-powered answers to your problems that are easily understandable. 

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Let Your Largest BI Deployments Provide You with Understanding

Analyse, share, and encourage insight and understanding throughout your organisation by connecting the dots between all your data sources.  Power BI allows this while maintaining data accuracy, consistency, and security.

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Enjoy Making Decisions with Certainty

Power BI allows those within your organisation to access and work on the same data, collaborate on reports, and share their understanding of the information. This can all be shared across Microsoft Office applications such as Teams or Excel, allowing decision-makers to operate on a data-driven and strategic basis.

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